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Baton Elementary

Home of the Bears

Renaissance Place

Renaissance Place


Baton Elementary School Accelerated Reader Policy


Baton Elementary teachers desire to cultivate a love of reading for all students.  As such, it is acknowledged that not all students read at the same level, pace, nor quantity of time.  Neither do all students have the same interests; therefore, there is a need to provide a variety of reading materials.


Reading is a skill that improves with practice.  Accelerated Reader is a program designed to aid in providing reading practice.  Teachers at Baton will use the components of Accelerated Reader and its complementary program of Star Reading Enterprise as part of a comprehensive school-wide reading program.


Teachers will adhere to the following guidelines in administering Accelerated Reader:

  •  AR will be used by Grades 1 – 5.  Use by Kindergartners will be on a student by student basis.

  • Teachers will schedule at least 30 minutes of reading time during the school day every day.  This may be broken into smaller segments as long as there is a total minimum of 30 minutes.

  • Reading goals will be individualized or customized for each student.  The goals should be reasonable and attainable for each student.

  • Students using AR will choose their own books to read.  One exception is if the entire class is reading a book.

  • Students will be encouraged to select and read books according to their appropriate reading level or range of levels.  The intent is to “challenge a child without causing frustration or a loss of motivation.” Getting Results with Accelerated Reader Guide

  • Students should also read material in which the content is age appropriate.

  • Teachers will determine reading level (or range of level) in one of 3 ways:  “a STAR Reading test, a grade equivalent score from a standardized test, or using their best professional judgment based on their knowledge of the student.” Getting Results

  • Teachers will employ “Status of the Class” strategies.  And students are required to maintain Reading Logs so that teachers can more easily see what the students are reading.

  • The emphasis will not be on attaining points but on reading growth and reaching individualized goals.  Students should have opportunities for success.

  • Rewards/Incentives will be determined on a grade level basis for the nine week period as approved by the AR Committee.  Bear Bucks may continue to be given to students for superior performance on a test.

  • Students should be shown how to and encouraged to check their own progress.

  • AR tests are to be taken individually, and students should not be looking for the answers in the book while taking the test.

  • Teachers are to review the Diagnostic Report on a regular basis, preferably on a weekly basis, so that they are adequately monitoring student performance.

  • Student performance on AR will not be used in any way as a grade in Reading or any other subject.

- Approved by AR Committee August 31, 2016