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Battle of the Books


Thank you Mrs. Transou for leading our Battle of the Books Team!


North Carolina Battle of the Books



The following rules will be incorporated in the 2021-2022 team bylaws:

1. Students must read all eighteen books and test on the book after reading the book for the second time. The AR test must be a passing score on all 18 books.

2. Students must come to weekly meetings and participate in book discussions.

3. There will be a limit of three  excused absences. Please have your child bring a note explaining absences.

4. There will be a deadline for reading all 18 books. Deadline will be determined at a later date.

5. Students will be considered for the competition team by the merit of their participation, their ability to answer book questions, discussion of book characters, themes, titles & authors.

6. Teacher evaluations and class participation will be considered in the selection of the competition members.

7. All Battle of the Books participants will be part of the Baton 2014-2015 Team and are important for the overall competition team, but we can only compete with six members at a time. The competition members must have read all the books on the Battle of the Books list and have successfully tested on all 18 books. The six members will be rotated in and out of competition at different times. Third grade students that are willing to read all 18 books and are willing to help prepare fourth and fifth grade students for competition can be valuable! Third grade students are not eligible for competition until the following year as a fourth grader.