A book bag big enough to hold a folder and large library books.
Extra set of clothes in a labeled ziplock bag
Paper towels
Paper plates
Coffee filters
Ziploc Baggies (gallon, quart and sandwich size)
Clorox Wipes
Fine point dry erase markers
Crayola Washable Markers (fine point and regular)
Crayola Crayons
1 inch 3 ring binder with clear pocket on the front
1 regular sized bookbag
1 pencil box
glue sticks
expo markers, preferably black
Wish list items:
Clorox wipes
various sizes of ziploc bags
1st Grade
1 pack pink block erasers
2 boxes of 24 count crayons
6 glue sticks (no liquid glue)
2 pack white board markers
1 standard size pencil box
1 pencil pouch (to store bear bucks)
1 pair scissors (Fiskars brand is best)
1 pair of headphones (not earbuds)
3 durable, plastic 2-pocket folders
Teachers will provide pencils this year.
If supplies are depleted, we may ask for more later in the year.
Wish List Items
Paper towels
Hand sanitizer
Ziploc baggies (gallon and sandwich sizes)
Small toys and/or wrapped candy for use as prizes
2nd Grade
Headphones (please purchase a durable pair that will last all year)
1-2 packs of #2 wooden pencils (Ticonderoga or other durable preferred)
2 packs eraser caps
2 boxes of crayons (Crayola preferred)
1 pencil pouch
1 pair of quality brand scissors
(1) two pocket folder (without prongs)
4 glue sticks
Dry erase markers (thin tip)
1 highlighter
1 subject notebook
Please do not send in binders, colored pencils, sharpeners, markers or other supplies not listed. Thank you!
3rd Grade
One 2” three ring binder with clear sleeve in front
#2 pencils: mechanical are fine as long as it does not become a
1 pack of wide ruled loose-leaf notebook paper
1 red pen
Crayola colored pencils
2 highlighters
12 glue sticks – will need replenished throughout the year
1 two-pocket folder with 3-hole punch: no prongs/no plastic
3 one-subject WIDE ruled spiral notebooks
Pencil bag with 3 holes
Headphones – no earbuds please
4 fine tip EXPO markers
Wireless mouse (optional, but recommended)
4th Grade
Cap erasers
2 packs of notebook paper
Colored pencils or crayons
6 glue sticks
highlighters (preferably different colors)
1 zippered pencil pouch (no boxes please)
4 dry erase markers
5 -1 subject spiral bound notebooks
1- 2 inch binder
1- pack of pocket dividers
1 pair of earbuds or headphones
*Individual teachers may ask for additional supplies
*Cursive writing is expected in 4th grade
*Students must know multiplication facts- please study over the summer
5th Grade
(2) packs of notebook paper
Colored pencils
(6) glue sticks
Highlighters (preferably different colors)
(1) zippered pencil pouch (no boxes please)
(4) dry erase markers
(2) 1-subject spiral bound notebooks
(1) 3 subject notebook
(1) 2" 3-ring binder
(1) pair of earbuds or headphones
(Optional) If your child has difficulty using a Chromebook mouse pad, they may bring a wired or wireless mouse.